Sunday, September 14, 2014

One Week Down

Just in case you haven't heard the news on social media, Nathan left for his first deployment last week. Kuzco and I have survived our first week without him! We've lived off a diet of Cheetos and Pepsi (kidding, mom) and kept busy with lots of walks to the dog park.

A few photos from our last minutes together.
We are extremely grateful for technology! So far we've been able to FaceTime every night.

Before he left, a friend of ours documented our time together and slapped us in the newspaper! I can't wait to see all of the pictures, but until then I hope you enjoy a few snapshots of the article. For those of you interested in reading the full story, the link will be posted on my Facebook :)

I also had the pleasure of assembling my first care package this weekend! I stuffed a large flat rate box full of snacks and other supplies that he requested. It should take about two weeks for it to arrive. I plan on trying to send a little something as frequently as possible- whether it be a box of goodies or just a card to remind him that I love him.

So far, so good! I have school, work, and friends to keep me occupied for the next few months, and I am planning on taking a few trips home for the holidays. Thank you all for your love and support. I'll try to keep everyone updated during this new journey.

1 comment:

  1. Aww that must be really, really hard. I give you major kudos for maintaining such a positive attitude through the first week! If I were you I probably would have been enjoying a diet of cheetos and cola as well... maybe throw in some brownies.

    Hang in there and keep us posted, hopefully time will fly and he'll be home again with you before you know it!
