Saturday, September 27, 2014

No Man Wants a Big Woman

How many came to this post because you’re greatly offended by the title and were ready to grab your torches and pitchforks? Probably all of you. But if I’d titled it, “Nobody Likes a Stick,” then you all would’ve had a jolly good laugh at it and shared it on your Facebook pages.

Let me make something very clear: if you partake in thin-shamming women then you are a hypocritical bitch and you are no friend of mine. There is nothing funny about putting down other women to excuse your own image or insecurities.

If you have ever said or laughed at sayings like, “real women have curves” or “only dogs want bones,” then boy, do I have news for you- all women are real women. The last time I checked, your “curves” do not make you any more of a woman than my bony ass does. Too big? Real woman. Too small? Real woman. Just right? Real woman.

If you need to put down another woman to feel better about your own body, then you need to take a long look in the mirror… because it’s not your body that’s the problem. If you would never, EVER look at another woman and tell her that no one wants her, make a joke about her weight, or suggest that she eat a salad, then why do you feel the need to say these things to small women?

Would it be okay if I reversed it, just as I did with the title to this post, and told you that no man wants a hippo? Would that be okay with you? No? Didn’t think so. So, for the love of God, do not make fun of small women. They didn’t ask for no boobs just like you didn’t ask for big thighs.

At some point in your life you just get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you finally have to say something.

So if you think this message is directed at you, then it probably is. It’s also directed at the girl who made me cry my eyes out my sophomore of high school because she told the entire track team that I only weighed 93 lbs. It’s directed to the friend who told me I had chicken legs while boot shopping last year. It’s directed to the woman in Walmart last week who asked me if I was a grown lady or a child. It’s directed to the coworkers who constantly tell me that I’m too skinny and I need to eat. You know what else I’d like to direct towards them? 

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