Monday, September 22, 2014

A Pretty Awesome Monday

We are now over two weeks in to Nathan's deployment. Time is flying! January will be here before we know it.

Not only did his care package make it to Afghanistan in only a week, but I received a sweet surprise today as well! I nearly cried when I opened the door this afternoon to find chocolate covered strawberries delivered by Edible Arrangements. I'm so lucky to have a husband who spoils me and lets me know he's thinking of me!
Nathan's first care package!
My delicious strawberries. They are heavenly!

Yesterday Nathan gave me a little "tour" around the base. I thought our friends and family might enjoy seeing his temporary home too! 

The bazaar where you can buy local goods.
Anybody need any "Chanel?" ;)
A pretty flower garden that seems a little out of place next to all the dirt and rocks!

I hope you guys have enjoyed the pictures! Thank you again for all the love and support we have received.

17 days completed!

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