Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hello, November

Does anyone know where October went? I could have sworn I was purchasing Halloween decorations yesterday, not taking them down! I'm thankful the time is passing quickly though, because this means Nathan has been gone another month. We're now 59 days into this deployment!

October was an exciting month. For me, it meant pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin patches. 

Emma, Amaiya, and I at Scott Pumpkin Patch!

Over on the other side of the world, Nathan flew out to another base and back. I'd prefer for his feet to stay nice and somewhat safe on the ground, but at least we get to see a few pictures!

Nathan isn't one to brag about himself, but that's why he has me to do it for him. This past week he received the wing's Warrior of the Month award. If you're unfamiliar with the Air Force's structure, winning a wing level award is a pretty sweet accomplishment! He also racked up his second Command Chief coin- again, something else that's hard to come by. So proud of my hardworking husband!

One small plus to Nathan being gone for the holidays is that I get to have fun decorating themed care packages. Halloween was our first "holiday" apart. While everyone else was out taking their kids trick-or-treating and dressing up, I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and stuffed my face with mini candy bars. I made sure Nathan didn't miss out on the festivities, though! His package included lots of snacks and candy, as well as cake-in-a-jar! (You bake cake in mason jars and then can them so they stay fresh!) 

The Halloween confetti cakes before they went in the oven!

No package would be complete without a handmade card!

Last but not least, Kuzco is a silly as ever. Please enjoy this video of him picking a fight with a piece of Halloween candy. And as always, thank you all for your continued love and support! 

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