Sunday, June 8, 2014

Welcoming June

The first week of June has been rain, crazy wind, and more rain. Kuzco didn't seem to mind, though! He passed the time by playing in my flower pots. 

"Dirt is for digging; even if it's in flower pots!" -Kuzco

I took full advantage of the one or two days of sunshine and spent it at the pool with some of my favorite ladies.

We haven't let the rain stop us from enjoying our weekend! Friday we went to a barbecue, and Saturday we went to little Liam's first birthday party. Look at how much this lil' chunk has grown!

Liam and I after he was born, and this weekend at his first birthday party!
His party narrowly escaped more rain! 

Sunday brought even more rain and thunderstorms. To pass the time, my sweet husband let me drag him all over Lowe's and Walmart in search of materials for a terrarium. It wasn't as cheap as I thought it would be, but it was extremely easy and looks super cute! I made a tutorial about it for those of you who are interested :) You can check it out here!

I hope everyone's summer is off to a great start!

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