Sunday, April 20, 2014

Nobody Likes You When You're 23

This weekend has been the greatest birthday weekend that I could've ever asked for! My wonderful family drove all the way from North Carolina and managed to keep it as a surprise. They showed up out of nowhere on Friday while I was at work and I cried my eyes out! I didn't have a clue that they were coming!

When Nathan and I got married, we only got about two bites of our beautiful strawberry shortcake wedding cake. Another thing about our wedding day is that I forbade Nathan to smash cake in my face. He begged and begged, but I told him that I would cry. Well, he finally got his wish... Mom had our baker make us another cake and she brought it with her as my birthday cake, and he smashed it in my face!!

On Saturday, we went to downtown Little Rock and met our friends to have lunch at Gus's Fried Chicken. It was such a gorgeous day that we spent the afternoon walking around and sightseeing! We walked across the bridge and discovered a special event with old cars. My favorite was the antique Rolls-Royce! 

After seeing downtown Little Rock, we got to visit the Old Mill. It is an 1880's water-powered grist mill that was rebuilt in 1933. For those of you who have seen Gone with the Wind, it was featured in the opening scene back in 1947! That was the first time Nathan and I had been there, and it was so gorgeous that we will definitely be going back.

After coffee and breakfast today, Nathan surprised me with a GORGEOUS bracelet from KJP for my birthday! I'm so in love with it! He never fails to make me smile :) 

I hated to see my beautiful family leave this afternoon, but I am so thankful that they were able to be here. This has truly been my favorite birthday <3

Sunday, April 6, 2014

So Long, March

My goal is to make a weekly blog post. Being that our lives aren't that exciting, I don't know how often I'll be able to keep at it ;)

This past Monday was Nathan's 25th birthday. We had friends over earlier that weekend, but chose to spend his actual birthday alone. He was lucky enough to get the day off of work, so what better way to spend it than doing a few of his favorite things! After chocolate chip pancakes and a lazy morning on the couch, we set out on an adventure.

Later that evening we went to dinner at his favorite local restaurant, Whole Hog. 

We ended the night by going to the mall and doing a little spring wardrobe shopping, where he made me buy him these hideous camo cargo shorts (he pulled the "but it's my birthday" card; I had no choice). 

Lucky for me, he's already on his way to destroying them by wearing them in the mud. 

March was a great month, but I'm excited to see what April brings! Hopefully warmer weather, spring flowers, and NO tornadoes. ♡